Saturday, August 23, 2008

Biden's Obama's VP -- and how we learned about it

We are all waking up this morning to the news this morning that Senator Joe Biden is Barack Obama's choice for running mate. But I also woke up at 3:34 this morning to the sound of three little beeps on my phone, sending me this text message: "Barack has chosen Senator Joe Biden to be our VP nominee. Watch the first Obama-Biden rally live at 3 pm ET on Spread the word!"
Many like me, I imagine, signed up for the text-messaging promised by the campaign -- making literally millions of us among the personal "first" to learn of Obama's VP choice. It's an intriguing and powerful use of technology to keep supporters "in the know" on campaign news -- and no campaign has done it better or on as mammoth a scale as Barack Obama's.
It gives me more than just hope -- rather, a certain confidence -- that someone who campaigns so ably will be able to govern ably too.


Anonymous said...

My text message arrived at 3:34 am as well. Wonder if they did it by zip code? I am THRILLED by Joe Biden for VP. What a ticket!

Marianne Rutter said...

Senator Joe Biden's VIP box is just above the seating for the Mass. delegation -- so we've had more than our share of press crawling over the seats.